“It’s ‘Lorde’ without the ‘D'”


“I’m not your identity crisis; this was planned.”

This is how I have had to introduce myself time and time again to people who automatically perceive a more gendered-twist to my rather simple, monosyllabic appellation. From “Laura” to “Loren”, many have tried to diminish the ambiguity that only serves to confuse, and as history has shown, we tend to shy away from that which we cannot easily decipher. Consequently, we acquiesce to the intellectual idleness and the whims of those who silently suffer from the very same nonthreatening indolence, yet do nothing to question its benefits, or lack, thereof.

That’s where Unrealisdick comes in (pun unintended, but appreciated nonetheless). Here is a safe space devoid of the judgment that impedes the birth of new ideas and the formulation of disturbing questions deserving of carefully thought-out answers. Together, we will discuss and debate the necessity of the barbed fences we have learned to avoid without question. The next time you feel the need to warn an escapee of social normativity, ask yourself if you would not rather help peel back the cold steel that confines you both. And it does. Of that, you can be sure, for let it be noted that delusions grant us no favors. None.

So, welcome to the Unrealisdick community. I do hope you’ll come to share your thoughts with me and other rapt readers who will surely appreciate your voice, whether or not we agree with you.

Sincerely yours,

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